Author :
Bernardi, G.
Author Statement :
edited by Dennis E. Vance and Jean E. Vance
Edition :
[4th ed.]
Collation :
607 p.: illus; 25 cm.
Addition :
Title :
Biochemistry of lipids, lipoproteins and membranes
Contents :
Functional roles of lipids in membranes / William Dowhan, Mikhail Bogdanov, and Eugenia Mileykovskaya -- Lipid modifications of proteins / Anant K. Menon -- Fatty acid and phospholipid metabolism in prokaryotes / Charles O. Rock -- Lipid metabolism in plants / Katherine M. Schmid and John B. Ohlrogge -- Oxidation of fatty acids in eukaryotes / Horst Schulz -- Fatty acid synthesis in eukaryotes / Hei Sook Sul and Stuart Smith -- Fatty acid desaturation and chain elongation in mammals / Makoto Miyazaki and James M. Ntambi -- Phospholipid biosynthesis in eukaryotes / Dennis E. Vance and Jean E. Vance -- Ether-linked lipids and their bioactive species / Thomas M. McIntyre, Fred Snyder, and Gopal K. Marathe -- Lipid metabolism in adipose tissue / Ann V. Hertzel ... [et al.] -- Phospholipases / David C. Wilton -- The eicosanoids : cyclooxygenase, lipoxygenase, and epoxygenase pathways / William L. Smith and Robert C. Murphy -- Sphingolipids / Alfred H. Merrill, Jr. -- Cholesterol biosynthesis / Laura Liscum -- Metabolism and function of bile acids / Luis B. Agellon -- Lipid assembly into cell membranes / Dennis R. Voelker -- Lipoprotein structure / Ana Jonas and Michael C. Phillips -- Assembly and secretion of triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins / Jean E. Vance and Khosrow Adeli -- Dynamics of lipoprotein transport in the circulatory system / Christopher J. Fielding and Phoebe E. Fielding -- Lipoprotein receptors / Wolfgang J. Schneider -- Lipids and atherosclerosis / Ira Tabas.
LC Class :
LC Number :
LC CutterNumber :
B 523 B
وارد كنندة اطلاعات :
soleimani tabar
تاريخ ورود اطلاعات :
Publication Year :
LC Date :
Ed. 4
Publication :
Notes :
Second-4th eds. published in the series: New comprehensive biochemistry.
Subject :
Lipids,Lipoproteins,Lipid membranes,Membranes (Biology),Lipid Metabolism,Cell Membrane,Lipoproteins,Signal Transduction,Lipides,Lipoprotaeines,Membranes lipidiques,Membranes (Biologie),Lipiden.,Lipoproteeinen.,Membranen.,Biochemie.,Lipide.,Aufsatzsammlung.
DocumentNumber :
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