Contents :
Cells and genomes- Cell chemistry and biosynthesis- Proteins- DNA, chromosomes, and genomes- DNA replication, repair, and recombination- How cells read the genome: from DNA to protein- Control of gene expression- Manipulating proteins, DNA, and RNA- Visualizing cells- Membrane structure- Membrane transport of small molecules and the electrical properties of membranes- Intracellular compartments and protein sorting- Intracellular vesicular traffic- Energy conversion: mitochondria and chloroplasts- Mechanisms of cell communication- The cytoskeleton- The cell cycle- Apoptosis- Cell junctions, cell adhesion, and the extracellular matrix- Cancer- Sexual reproduction: meiosis, germ cells, and fertilization- Development of multicellular organisms- Specialized tissues, stem cells, and tissue renewal- Pathogens, infection, and innate immunity- The adaptive immune system. Tables: The genetic code, amino acids.
Subject :
Molecular biology,Cytology,Cells,Cell Communication,Cell Membrane,Stem Cells,DNA,Amino Acids,Neoplasms,Molecular Biology